Bok Choy Thoran


According to Natural Remedies website, bok choy has many nutritional benefits. Among a few are that it promotes vision health, promotes bone health, assists in healthy pregnancies, helps maintain healthy hair and skin, promotes heart health and may reduce blood pressure. It was also claimed that it can fight and prevent cancer. Therefore, adding this leaf in your daily diet would be beneficial in many ways.

1 bundle (120gm) of baby bok choy

(separate the chopped leaves and the stems) 1 medium-size onion, chopped 2 nips garlic, chopped a few slices of green chillies 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 1 sprig curry leaf 1/4 tsp cumin seeds 1 tsp grated coconut salt to taste Heat wok with 1 tbsp oil. Saute onion and garlic until aromatic. Add in the stems of the bok choy and stir fry for a minute. Then add in green chillies and the leaves. Add in turmeric powder. Stir well for all the ingredients to mix well. If dish too dry, you can sprinkle some water. Add in cumin seeds and salt to taste and cook for a few seconds. Finally, add in grated coconut and curry leaf. Stir well and cook for a few seconds. Close fire. Serve as a side dish with rice.
