Proud Day for Malacca

Datuk Seri Ali Rustam presenting a speech

At 2010 hours on 20.10.2010 Malacca was officially declared as a developed state in a grand ceremony at the Stadium Hang Jebat in Krubong. A public holiday was announced for the people in Malacca for the following day.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak made the declaration via tele-conferencing from Kuala Lumpur to thousands of Malac­cans gathered at a grand ceremony in Stadium Hang Jebat in Krubong last night
The event was themed “Develop­ed Malacca 2010: Green Techno­logy State City.”

The quest to become a developed state under a 10-year plan known
as Melaka Maju 2010 was achieved after Malacca fulfilled 32 criteria set by the Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Deve­lopment (OECD), a grouping of the world’s 33 richest
countries with the highest per capita GDP.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said it was a truly proud day for Malaccans as the state
was finally recognised as a developed state by the Organisa­tion for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Jon Hall, who has been leading the OECD’s Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Socie­ties,
said Malaccans had higher than the OECD’s minimum levels in virtually all indicators.
